AriNellikai oorukai – (Amla pickle)

This winter season ends with lots of goose berries. My favorite is these tiny goodies that we call “ari nellikaai”. They have a soft flesh and the seeds inside too were really soft. The skin is very tender that if you sprinkle some salt and cover it for a hour it will become tender and delicious.


(Photo courtesy flickr

Amma made this quick pickle which was a delight to have with curd and rice. At home not everybody is a pickle lover but myself and amma have a special taste for them. This quick fix pickle also goes well with idlis.


Ari nellikaai – 1 cup

Sambar powder – 1.5 tea spoon

Salt – 1/2 teaspoon

Mustard powder – 1/2 teaspoon

Venthayam powder – 1/2 teaspoon

Gingelly oil – 2 T spoon


How to make it ?

In a thick bottomed vessel heat the oil and add the washed and pat dried nellikaai. Saute till they turn tender. Add all the spices and saute till it reaches a golden color as shown in the picture. Serve with curd rice.

6 comments on “AriNellikai oorukai – (Amla pickle)

  1. looks beautiful nirmala…how long does this stay good?

  2. slurp sluro and slurrrrrrrrrrrp 🙂 my aunt had big tree filled with these gooseberries and we would eat them with salt and pepper.
    same question as valli, hw long does it stay?

  3. Looks delicious! Unfortunately, I don’t have access to nellikkai here, so I have to settle for drooling over your pic!

  4. Wow Nirmala, one look at that Nellikai and I’m drooling…I love this pickle!! It’s a pity its seasonal…

  5. looks gr8! thanx 4 sharing…

  6. seithu paarthu vittu solgirean

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